Saturday, November 17, 2012

mint 14

usually i don't blog about operating systems.
however, have you thought linux or esp. mint doesn't look awesome?

if you invest about 1 hour to adjust the default theme, a custom dock (docky) and some other fine-tunings, you get a really nice user-experience!

one picture doesn't show the whole story, but here is a basic impression:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

speedup the tomee startup

apache tomee is based on apache tomcat and adds the java-ee web-profile on top of it (based on apache projects like myfaces, openwebbeans, bval,...). the runtime performance is great and also the startup time is nice. esp. during the development phase every second hurts (at least a bit). with a simple change it's easy to remove some overhead! the following part shows the difference.

tomee just adds some libs to tomcat. that means you can also use a different version of tomcat easily - so it's easy to get tweaks and bugfixes of the latest version of tomcat also for tomee and you can use the std. tomcat plugin for your ide. however, that also means you (can) get some overhead - currently the demo apps shipped with tomcat cause such an overhead during the server startup. just by removing the demo web-apps you can reduce the startup time of tomcat itself by about 50 percent (here from ~1.4 seconds to ~0.7 seconds). for tomee you can do the same, but you have to keep a webapp called "tomee" (it's needed to use remote-ejbs - so it isn't a demo). if you don't need remote-ejbs, you can remove all webapps shipped by tomee to improve the startup performance even further.

the following chart shows the differences of the mentioned constellations. the value for jboss as7 is just a reference value.

the following chart shows the overhead introduced by tomee (compared to a standalone tomcat).

please note:
all those values depend on the machine, operating-system,... - in addition the values are rounded and should just give a basic impression about the differences (please don't see it e.g. as a tomee vs as7 comparison).

there are 2 values printed during the tomcat/tomee startup. the first one is listed as "Initialization processed in ..." and  the second one as "Server startup in ...". the values in the charts always show the sum of both ( "Server startup in ..." sounds like the sum but it is not the sum of the full startup process).

as7 is also based on tomcat but the integration is way deeper and therefore it isn't given that the startup of tomcat itself takes the same time as with tomcat standalone or tomee (that's the reason why there is no separation for as7 in the second chart).

Sunday, April 22, 2012

2nd release of apache deltaspike

the apache deltaspike team is pleased to announce the 2nd release (v0.2-incubating).

we release early and often. so take the chance and test the new features provided by this release. in the next release we will add further deltaspike-core features and we will start with further modules.

we would be happy to receive your feedback to improve apache deltaspike step by step.

release notes:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

12th release of myfaces-extensions-cdi

The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the 12th release of Apache MyFaces Extensions CDI (aka CODI). It's v1.0.5!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

openwebbeans on glassfish3 for jsf-applications

several users would like to use owb on glassfish3. if a full integration isn't needed and the only problem is an exception in jersey during the bootstrapping process, it's quite easy to work around it.

//for a partial integration in GlassFish3 in case of:
//java.lang.NullPointerException at com.sun.jersey.server.impl.cdi.CDIExtension.processAnnotatedField
public class JerseyAwareLoaderService extends DefaultLoaderService
public <T> List<T> load(Class<T> serviceType, ClassLoader classLoader)
List<T> result = super.load(serviceType, classLoader);
Iterator<T> resultIterator = result.iterator();
while (resultIterator.hasNext())
if ("com.sun.jersey.server"))
return result;
//and in /MEAT-INF/openwebbeans/ activate it via:

you need the following owb modules:

- openwebbeans-impl
- openwebbeans-spi
- openwebbeans-web
- openwebbeans-jsf

attention: that isn't a full integration. as you see e.g. jersey can't be used with this workaround.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

11th release of myfaces-extensions-cdi

The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the 11th release of Apache MyFaces Extensions CDI (aka CODI). It's v1.0.4!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

1st release of apache deltaspike

the apache deltaspike team is pleased to announce the first release (v0.1-incubating).

with this first step we started to merge apache myfaces codi-core and jboss solder. we will release early and often. so take the chance and test the first features provided by this release. in the next release we will add further deltaspike-core features and we will start with further modules.

we would be happy to receive your feedback to improve apache deltaspike step by step.

release notes:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

codi meets tomee

recently the open-ejb team released beta2 of tomee v1.

tomee is already optimized a lot. today we saw an issue during the deployment of a codi demo to tomee. thx to romain manni-bucau we found the issue pretty quickly. due to an optimization tomee filters myfaces-* jar files to improve the scanning performance. so you just have to rename the jar file(s) of codi until the issue gets fixed.
(or manually patch org\apache\openejb\config\NewLoaderLogic.class in webapps\openejb\lib\openejb-core-4.0.0-beta-2.jar)

furthermore, we will add an integration test to tomee to avoid that it happens again.

so have fun with myfaces codi on tomee!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10th release of myfaces-extensions-cdi

The Apache MyFaces team is pleased to announce the 10th release of Apache MyFaces Extensions CDI (aka CODI). It's v1.0.3!